Family Dentistry
with a
Gentle Touch
Call Us Now: 89-SMILE (502)897-6453
3516 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40207
Ann B. Mudd DMD
Crowns (Actual patient before and after photo's below)
Let me introduce you to our Bruxzir Crowns:
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The crown serves several important functions. It restores the appearance of your teeth and your face. Your teeth support the muscles in your face, so anything less than a full tooth may affect the way you look. A crown will be the same size and shape as a natural tooth, therefore it will keep your jaw and bite aligned; it will also make sure the other teeth don't shift location or take on a greater share of the work of biting and chewing. Crowns can be made of gold, porcelain or zirconia. Most of our patients choose the natural, metal free crowns, for the cosmetic appearance and confidence it gives them. A color will be chosen that matches the color of your natural teeth. They have a beautiful lifelike appearance.
Single crown
Actual Patient
Upper 4 teeth crowned
Actual Patient
Severely worn dentition after radiation for tonsillar cancer, all teeth were crowned with Bruxzir Full Zirconium Crowns.
Actual Patient
2 crowns on central incisors and buildup bonded fillings on laterals incisors
Actual Patient
Non Vital central incisor from trauma, crowned single tooth, Bruxzir Anterior Crown
Replaced 2 ill-fitting poor esthetic crowns and two others crowned on either side to get this beautiful result.